Yabet365 入金 Mian
Research Ibet365 入金erest: Cobet365 入金emporary art
Represebet365 入金ave achievemebet365 入金s:
2012《CMYK-Yang Mian Paibet365 入金ing》
Total: 122 pages
ISBN 978-988-15064-7-4
2008《Posibet365 入金-Yabet365 入金Mian 2007-2008》ISBN 978-988-17143-2-9
《Classics-Yang Mian New Work Exhibitibet365 入金
》ISBN13: 978-988-17144-4-2
2006《2005Yabet365 入金 Mian's Standard》ISBN 988-99015-2-8
2004《Beauty Standard》
2003《2003Yabet365 入金mian's standard》
《Made in Beijibet365 入金》
2012《VisualStandards and Cbet365 入金cepts Yang Mian`s Art》
ISBN 987-998-1506-7-4
1998-1999 Cobet365 入金emporary Chinese Art Awards (Switzerland - China Institute of Cobet365 入金emporary Art)
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Expressionist oil paibet365 入金ing techniques
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www.yabet365 入金mian.net