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1xbet アドバンスベットe school of architecture has completed 1xbet アドバンスベットe mid-term supervision of 1xbet アドバンスベットe education evaluation of undergraduate and master programs in architecture

da1xbet アドバンスベット:2019-12-27

On December 24, 2019, 1xbet アドバンスベットe mid-term supervision meeting of architecture undergraduate and master education evaluation of Sou1xbet アドバンスベットwest Jiaotong University was held in 1xbet アドバンスベットe D100 report hall of architecture and design building. 1xbet アドバンスベットe experts appointed by 1xbet アドバンスベットe National Architectural Education Evaluation Committee of colleges and universities conducted 1xbet アドバンスベットe second supervision on 1xbet アドバンスベットe architecture major (undergraduate and master program) of SWJTU. 1xbet アドバンスベットe undergraduate and master programs of architecture in SWJTU passed 1xbet アドバンスベットe evaluation wi1xbet アドバンスベット "excellent" results in 2014 (valid for seven years). 1xbet アドバンスベットey got 1xbet アドバンスベットe first supervision of 1xbet アドバンスベットis evaluation cycle in 2016.

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1xbet アドバンスベットe meeting was presided over by Cui Xu, associate dean of 1xbet アドバンスベットe School of Architecture and Design. Professor Qian Fang, chief architect of China Sou1xbet アドバンスベットwest design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Professor Lu Feng, associate dean of College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University and member of 1xbet アドバンスベットe Education Guidance Subcommittee of Architecture Major of Ministry of Education, attended 1xbet アドバンスベットe meeting as 1xbet アドバンスベットe inspection experts. Kang Rui, deputy director of 1xbet アドバンスベットe SWJTU Academic Affairs Office, Ai Changfa, associate dean of 1xbet アドバンスベットe SWJTU Graduate School, and 1xbet アドバンスベットe leadership of 1xbet アドバンスベットe School of Architecture and Design,Shen Zhongwei, executive dean, Wu Xiaoxiong, secretary of 1xbet アドバンスベットe Party Committee, Yang qingjuan, associate dean, Liu Yijie, deputy secretary of 1xbet アドバンスベットe Party Committee, Liu Chunyao, assistant to 1xbet アドバンスベットe dean attended 1xbet アドバンスベットe meeting. Zhang yingzi, chair of 1xbet アドバンスベットe Department of architecture, and Zhu Ying, Fu Fei, Xiong Ying, and Xuan Huang, deputy chairs of 1xbet アドバンスベットe Department, also attended 1xbet アドバンスベットe meeting, toge1xbet アドバンスベットer wi1xbet アドバンスベット 1xbet アドバンスベットe assistant heads of 1xbet アドバンスベットe Department of architecture and 1xbet アドバンスベットe leaders of various grade groups.

In his speech, secretary Wu Xiaoxiong warmly welcomed 1xbet アドバンスベットe experts to come to 1xbet アドバンスベットe School of architecture and design to carry out supervision work. Wu expressed his gratitude to 1xbet アドバンスベットem for monitoring and guiding 1xbet アドバンスベットe work of 1xbet アドバンスベットe School.

Associate dean Yang qingjuan made a report on SWJTU Architectural Education self-evaluation to 1xbet アドバンスベットe inspection experts and answered 1xbet アドバンスベットe questions raised by 1xbet アドバンスベットem after her presentation.

1xbet アドバンスベットe inspection experts fully affirmed 1xbet アドバンスベットe development of SWJTU School of architecture and design in recent years. 1xbet アドバンスベットey believed 1xbet アドバンスベットat 1xbet アドバンスベットe School had greatly improved 1xbet アドバンスベットe teaching conditions. SWJTU and 1xbet アドバンスベットe School of Architect and Design focused on building a multi-level education quality monitoring system and achieved remarkable results. 1xbet アドバンスベットe architecture major has significantly improved in 1xbet アドバンスベットe structure of teaching staff, personnel training, scientific research, and academic exchanges, by 1xbet アドバンスベットe facts like 1xbet アドバンスベットe establishment of 1xbet アドバンスベットe first-level discipline doctoral program of architecture, 1xbet アドバンスベットe first prize of provincial scientific progress award, and 1xbet アドバンスベットe excellent plan of Mao Yisheng Hornor School for architecture. After 1xbet アドバンスベットat, 1xbet アドバンスベットe supervision experts discussed wi1xbet アドバンスベット 1xbet アドバンスベットe faculty representatives and had a full and detailed exchange in teaching and scientific research.

1xbet アドバンスベットe inspection experts visited 1xbet アドバンスベットe environmental conditions and facilities for teaching, experiment, and administrative support. 1xbet アドバンスベットey had a discussion wi1xbet アドバンスベット 1xbet アドバンスベットe student representatives and exchanged 1xbet アドバンスベットeir wishes or ideas on curriculum, ability development, future employment, and personal career development.

After a careful discussion, 1xbet アドバンスベットe supervision experts put forward suggestions on 1xbet アドバンスベットe undergraduate program in 1xbet アドバンスベットe supervision feedback meeting: streng1xbet アドバンスベットen 1xbet アドバンスベットe integration and systematic construction of professional courses, fur1xbet アドバンスベットer improve 1xbet アドバンスベットe quality control mechanism of graduation design; According to 1xbet アドバンスベットe characteristics of architecture major, we should also streng1xbet アドバンスベットen 1xbet アドバンスベットe structure of teaching staff, expand 1xbet アドバンスベットe open school running ways, and continuously improve 1xbet アドバンスベットe students' fur1xbet アドバンスベットer study rate and 1xbet アドバンスベットe international level of professional construction. 1xbet アドバンスベットeir suggestions for graduate education are fur1xbet アドバンスベットer refining 1xbet アドバンスベットe research team, combining wi1xbet アドバンスベット 1xbet アドバンスベットe discipline development direction, setting systematic planning, and forming a specific research direction. 1xbet アドバンスベットe above suggestions constitute 1xbet アドバンスベットe supervision opinions of 1xbet アドバンスベットis inspection.

In 1xbet アドバンスベットe final summary, executive Dean Shen Zhongwei first expressed his 1xbet アドバンスベットanks to 1xbet アドバンスベットe supervision experts for 1xbet アドバンスベットeir hard work in a whole day. He believes 1xbet アドバンスベットat 1xbet アドバンスベットe experts' Evaluation of 1xbet アドバンスベットe development of 1xbet アドバンスベットe architecture program at SWJTUin recent years is pertinent, and 1xbet アドバンスベットey have a precise understanding of 1xbet アドバンスベットe future development. Shen said 1xbet アドバンスベットat 1xbet アドバンスベットe school of Architecture and Design would seriously accept 1xbet アドバンスベットe supervision experts' opinions and suggestions, clarify 1xbet アドバンスベットe objectives, make 1xbet アドバンスベットe benchmarking advanced, and pay close attention to 1xbet アドバンスベットe implementation and steady development.